This website serves as a DEMO of the Alset Solar Cybersedans dashboard system including details on all visuals and extra info/easter eggs here and there. For more info and context, below is the github readme outlining the entire project
P.S. Mobile is NOT supported for simulations. But feel free to check out the gallery though :D - Also, you can find screenshots of what the simulations & pages look like here
The Alset Solar Cybersedan Software is a comprehensive full-stack ecosystem developed for the FAUHS AEV solar car, enabling seamless integration and operation of various hardware components such as the Thunderstruck BMS, cameras, GPS module, and custom sound horn. This project was undertaken as part of the Advanced Experimental Vehicles program at FAU High School.
The Alset Solar Cybersedan Software is designed to interface with the FAUHS AEV solar car, providing a Tesla-style dashboard experience. This project was a collaborative effort involving a team of dedicated students who spent a year building the car after three years of planning. The software integrates various hardware components and offers a user-friendly interface to monitor and control the vehicle's systems via a touchscreen dashboard inside our car. It was also interfaceable on any device from anywhere in the world with a proper VPN configuration per client.
For more information on the Solar Car Challenge, visit the Solar Car Challenge website.
The project was a collaborative effort within the solar car club's coding subteam. As part of this team, we focused on building a robust and interactive frontend interface, integrating backend services, and ensuring smooth communication between all components.
Currently primitive documentation built for our team members so they can understand and properly operate the dashboard system. Visit the Alset Solar Cybersedan Documentation for more details.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
We acknowledge the support of the FAU High School Advanced Experimental Vehicles program as well as all of our sponsors and the Solar Car Challenge organizers. Their guidance and resources were invaluable to the success of this project.
Demo site made with ♡ by ZachLTech